All posts by Sally Ferguson

Hi! My name is Sally Ferguson and I have been a freelance writer since 1996. Over 100 devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). I’ve also written for Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum and Thriving Family. Warner Press released my coloring book, What Will I Be When I Grow Up? January 2006. As a speaker, I enjoy connecting with women and seeing them find affirmation for the phase of life they face daily. I am passionate about helping women find encouragement from God’s Word, as well as supplying the tools to help them apply what they’ve learned there. I love organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom when we take time away from our daily routine. Our Women’s Retreat just celebrated its 10th Anniversary! Parenting has its own set of challenges. My kids are grown but the nest keeps growing. Join me on the journey as we figure it out together!

Book Review: The Power to Be, by Twila Belk

The Power to Be is a testament to the power of the Resurrected Christ, the power that is available to all who believe in Him. It is a meaty 40-day devotional with personal stories of God’s provision. The author, Twila Belk, is someone who has been seasoned by life’s trials and is able to offer sage input to the insights she’s gained there. She talks about the grace to forgive when a drunk driver killed her mom, and left her in the hospital. And she talks about joy that permeates an act of gratitude. She finds illustrations in wheelbarrows and dogs hanging out of car windows. Her stories bring practical application.
Twila Belk, the Gotta Tell Somebody Gal, is a Christian communicator with a goal of taking important truths and making them easy to understand. Twila served for ten years as executive assistant to author Cecil Murphey and seeks to help writers in their next steps. She’s published seven books, and contributed to several others. Her mission is to do whatever she can to make God famous.
The Power to Be unwraps the benefits of difficulties and how we can mine them for the jewels found there. Twila’s enthusiasm is contagious; she shares ways God has shown Himself faithful, and says, really, we don’t wait in the difficult seasons alone, but God waits with us.

The Power to Be is an important reminder that we can be still, we can be grateful, we can be strong and we can be courageous, when we rely on the power the Lord provides. Get a copy to remind yourself that it matters who God is in our lives; He doesn’t expect us to muster up our own strength, but to know He is the One who overcomes the giants we face.
One of my favorite features of the book is the call to response. Journaling prompts are provided for reflection, and prayers give voice the focus of the daily devotion. Here’s one that particularly spoke to my heart:
“Lord, as I think about the crazy things you ask me to do, I can’t help but smile because I’ve seen how you work. The things you ask usually aren’t normal or easy, and most of the time they’re scary. They challenge me to trust you. But that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it, Lord? You want to keep reinforcing who you are and how big you are. You want to keep reminding me that anything you call me to do will have your equipping, power, and presence involved. Thank you for teaching me that when I trust and obey, then get out of the way, you always show up and show off. May you receive all honor, glory, and praise.”
Let The Power to Be encourage you to a faith that is greater than fear, because of the One who shoulders your needs!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Book Review: More Than Surviving: Courageous Meditations for Men Hurting from Childhood Abuse

Cecil Murphey wrote More Than Surviving for men hurting from childhood abuse and their loved ones, so that they could find healing, peace, and a stronger, more loving connection to God. He is a survivor of childhood abuse – sexual, physical, and verbal.
“New York Times’ bestselling author and international speaker Cecil (Cec) Murphey has written or cowritten more than 138 books, including the runaway bestseller 90 Minutes in Heaven (with Don Piper) and Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (with Dr. Ben Carson). His books have sold in the millions, been translated into more than 40 languages, and have brought hope and encouragement to countless people around the world.” Yet, Cec says, “I felt unworthy of love and affection.” Cec is an example of someone who turned his pain into a way to help others. He has also impacted the lives of countless writers through scholarships, writing helps, speaking and encouragement. His books equip many more through the wisdom that has seasoned his life.
Cecil shows how abuse leaves the victim feeling unworthy and at fault, yet provides reassurance that, in spite of something bad happening, with God’s help, shame no longer has to take up residence.

I wanted to read this book to somehow comprehend the thoughts of one who had come through abuse. Even more so, I came away with a desire to work on some of my own issues with anger and unforgiveness.
I also realized there are ways we, as parents, teachers and the adults invested in the lives of the children around us, can protect them from perpetrators. We can help them feel loved, wanted, and cared about. Otherwise, someone else will, without genuinely caring about their wellbeing.
It’s helpful to read this book, because it highlights the lifelong trauma our children face when they encounter a predator. Cec peels back the layers of shame, hopelessness and fear to help others understand “The Truth will set you free.”
Cec says, “The only way any of us can find healing from our stolen childhoods is to face our suffering and abuse.”
It was a painful facing, for him, yet he pushed himself to ask, “How do I continue to heal?”
Do you have unresolved bitterness, jealousy, or anger? This book is for you.
Do you know someone who explodes in anger or hides behind a mask? This book is for you.
Have you experienced the trauma of childhood abuse? This book is for you.
Has your trust, innocence, or childhood been stolen? This book is for you.

Cec says, “Because I was a molested kid and have become a healed adult, I have a responsibility – an obligation – to do what I can to destroy the confederacy of silence that surrounds men who have been wounded by sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse.”
Don’t we all have a responsibility to provide a safe haven to each other? Get this book. You will be astounded by grace and the power of God’s love to change a life surrendered to Him.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. It will be released on March 27, 2018 and is available for preorder now.

Are you being nudged to lead a Bible study?

The Bible is packed with life-giving nuggets of wisdom and encouragement from the Lord. When a group gathers around its pages, wonderful things emerge, like camaraderie, insight, peace and determination.
It is enormously gratifying to be part of others’ growth in their faith, as you watch the light come into their eyes over Scripture. Take the step to say yes to that nudge! Bring together some friends and watch in anticipation at what will happen with your offering to the Lord. Maybe it only feels like a sack lunch with 5 loaves & 2 fishes, but that’s exactly what God can use to bless others.

In more than 30 years of leading Bible study groups, I have grown to appreciate authors who add insight into God’s Word with illustrations, stories, and examples from their own lives, in order to get the point across. When our group is halfway through a series, I am already thinking about what the next one will entail.
Do you want help finding a study that is right for you? Check out the Bible Study Expo Thursday, March 15, to see the nine authors who will be participating. It’s a great way to get the cliff notes on a variety of studies. You might even win a prize when you participate!
“Bible Study Expo this year is partners with Harvest House Publishers, Abingdon Press, Lighthouse Bible Studies, Concordia Publishing House, Touchtone, Zondervan, Fruitbearer Publishing LLC and Shiloh Run Press to host nine Bible Study book authors and 18 book giveaways for the upcoming online Expo.
The event is an online webinar and will take place at on the afternoon of Thursday, March 15, beginning at 2 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Each hour will be divided into three, 20-minute author interviews, and include two Bible Study book giveaways. The Expo features Pam Farrel with her book, Discovering Hope in the Psalms; Hayley Dimarco with A Woman Overwhelmed; Katy Kaufman with Breaking the Chains; Rhonda Stoppe with Real Life Romance; Sharla Fritz with Waiting; Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith with Sacred Rest; Michele Cushatt with I Am; Jessica Seneca with Raising Girls; and Carey Scott with Uncommon.”
Even if you can’t attend during the event, you can come back later for the full interview. What are you waiting for? Sign up now!

About Bible Study Expo:
Bible Study Expo is the only expo of its kind, enjoying its 9th anniversary of collaborating with Bible Study coordinators, leaders, publishers and authors, to create a fun, interactive, online experience for Bible Study enthusiasts worldwide. Every year, thousands of women enjoy the live event and the archived interviews to meet the authors and select their next Bible Study books. Bible Study Expo was founded by Gifts of Encouragement, Inc., in 2009, by Marnie Swedberg.

Book Review: The Air I Breathe, by Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio says, “Worship is our response to what we value most,” and then goes on to demonstrate his statement by highlighting where we spend our time and energy. Is it possible to separate our everyday activities from a life of worship? He says, “No,” and backs it up with illustrations that capture the essence of worship, in his book, The Air I Breathe.
Louie Giglio is Pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia and the Founder of the Passion movement. He is the author of national-bestseller Goliath Must Fall, The Comeback, I Am Not But I Know I Am, and Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God & Science. In The Air I Breathe, Louie turns a complacent view of worship upside down with a call to relationship with the One we adore.
Louie asks, “Why do we crave something to worship?”
He lands on the response:  we are designed that way. He explains that design as an internal homing device that perpetually longs for our Maker. We’re seeking Him, but He is seeking us, too. And that’s the beauty of a personal connection to the Lord, we aren’t battling out a way to get to Him, He is in it with us.

Louie says worship happens because we trust God to be who He is, even when our circumstances don’t agree with what we know of God’s character. It’s because our attention is on Him, rather than our own importance. We can still praise Him when we can’t see Him. And when our worship turns into service to God, it becomes a way of life.
Louie Giglio’s writing style is like an easy conversation; you want to hear more because you can relate to the speaker. Discussion questions enable a group setting to dig in further, and short chapters are packed with meat to digest. I’m already thinking about ways to use this book with the women of our church!
FTC disclaimer: “I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.”

Book Review: Thin Places by Mary DeMuth

Mary DeMuth says thin places are where the mundane meet other-worldly, where we get a glimpse of eternity. Her memoir, Thin Places, is the opportunity to see how God intersected the story of her life to bring redemption to rape, abandonment and fear. It is the profound grace of sharing painful realities and yet finding hope on the other side.

Mary E. DeMuth is an author, speaker and mentor. In over 30 books and with five translations, she seeks to bring truth and transparency to difficult places. Her work with authors is legendary and purposeful in bringing art to the surface.

Mary’s words touch the raw places of my heart, where the deepest fears lie. Am I loveable? Am I worthy to be given attention? Does God see me? The result of wrestling with God is where we learn God is enough. He is there for us. He allows the difficult so that we will lean on Him and find grace enough to share with all who will listen.

Mary gives examples of ways others spoke redemption over her life by kind observations and affirmations. It makes me wonder how often I spread praise, and if it is enough to lift someone else out of their despair? She says the kindness of others created opportunity to glimpse the lavish kindness of God. We really never know the full impact for good we can make on another life. And Thin Places provides motivation to try harder!

If you’ve ever struggled with the need for approval, jealousy or being critical of yourself, you’ll resonate with this book. Mary’s writing compels you to take a look at pain and release it so that you can find contentment in God alone. Is He enough? Will He understand me? Will He be okay with my messy heart? “Yes,” Mary says, “because He redeems my messes. Cleans them up. Polishes them until they shine so bright the reflection of Jesus smiles back.”

Dig into this book and find a holy anticipation welling up within you. Mary says, “I get to the end of myself more often now. Before, I found this perturbing, but now understand it to be God’s severe mercy. He loves me enough to show me how silly my lists are, how futile my self-flagellation is. He shows up in my need, my weakness – His paradoxical way of wooing me to His way of thinking. My way does not produce life in me. But when I acknowledge my need for Jesus, when I dare to let Him be my conscience, I experience… freedom all over again.”

Yes, freedom is God’s design for our thin places!


Disclosure:  I received a copy of this book plus a book bundle from Zondervan in exchange for my thoughts and opinions of Breaking Busy.

Book Review: When God Made You

When God Made You opens from an attractive cover, showcasing movement and anticipation, into an explosion of color and prose. The ensuing pages do not disappoint, as the theme carries inside to fill up the pages with radiant action and a play on words.

The author, Matthew Paul Turner is a best-selling author, writer, storyteller, photographer, speaker and blogger. He has traveled considerably around the globe with World Vision. Matthew lives with his family in Nashville, TN.

The artist, David Catrow is primarily a writer and illustrator of books for children. He has worked extensively in film/TV, spending over a year creating the visual development for films such as Horton Hears A Who, Despicable Me, and others.

Together, the teaming of Turner and Catrow’s genius has produced an amazing, masterful use of story and pictures to bring out solid principles:

  • You are uniquely loved.
  • You are a masterpiece designed by God.
  • You are a part of God’s story.
  • Your personality and gifts showcase the glory of God.
  • You were brought into this world for a purpose.
  • Your creativity, insights and passions bring an important contribution to those around you.

Wow. I cannot say enough about the brilliance of creativity and tone in this book. Both the wordsmith and the illustrator color it with such vibrancy, it draws you into the rhythm with pure delight. I could not say I like one over the other, because they work hand-in-hand. It’s as if their collaboration came from one mind to create a fun and fantastic adventure for young and old alike.

Did I mention how much I like this book?! You don’t have to be in the target audience of ages 3 – 8 to appreciate an affirming word. Get it for yourself and see what a boost it will give you!


FTC disclaimer: “I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.”

SenseSational Christmas!

It’s been fun highlighting the five senses this week. Today, we’ll look at the fifth: the sense of touch. In what way can you add your personal touch to Christmas? Make an extra effort to send cards? Add a distinct flourish to packages? Even attention to details on a gift card can make someone feel special because their name has been emphasized.
What makes you feel cherished? Chances are, sharing that gift with someone else will bless them too. I grew up in a home where we held hands around the table as we prayed for God’s blessing on the food. We passed that gift of touch on to my family, even though it was a stretch for teenagers. Now, I’m reaping that contact with my grandchildren and I’m soaking it up!
Be generous with your hugs. We all need connection.
Terry Willits pulls it all together by saying, “The God of all Comforts came to this earth as a child and experienced for himself loving human touch. Christmas is about giving. Touch is about giving, too. And touch is a precious gift to give in our homes at Christmas. Just as Mary gave Jesus her tender touch, we can share loving touches to make our homes a place of comfort this holiday.”
Let the touches you add to your home say, “You are welcome here!”
Originally published at Sally’s Words
Leave a comment: In what ways do you add the sense of touch to your day?

Related Posts:
Do You Hear What I Hear?
The Tastes of Christmas 
How’s your Sense of Smell? 
The Five Senses of Christmas 
Looking for Christmas

Do You Hear What I Hear?

What are the sounds that sing of Christmas for you? The choir practicing? The bell-ringer standing at The Salvation Army bucket? A favorite carol?

One of my favorite albums is Amy Grant’s: A Christmas Album. And I love the day after Thanksgiving, when our radio station plays non-stop Christmas music! However, in Simply SenseSational Christmas, Terry Willits says “At least one night this Christmas season, when the kids are in bed, turn off the television and enjoy the precious sound of silence. Take in the beautiful silence of a snowfall or a quiet, starry night. Sit on the sofa and talk with a loved one, or read a book in front of a crackling fire with no more sound than the turning of a page.”
I have to admit that the silence of Christmas is just as precious as the music. I love that time of the evening when everyone else is asleep and I can sit in front of the tree with all the rest of the lights off. The popping of the firelight casts images across the ornaments and settles me into a reflective mood. Yes, there are wonderful resolutions made in those quiet moments. Maybe that’s why God chose a silent night so long ago to announce the birth of His Son!
Lord, fine-tune my hearing, that I might be receptive when you speak. Amen
Originally published at Sally’s Words
Leave a comment: What are your favorite sounds at Christmas?

Related Posts:
The Tastes of Christmas
How’s your Sense of Smell?
The Five Senses of Christmas 
Looking for Christmas

The Tastes of Christmas

When you look at Christmas treasures and smell the beautiful aromas, your mouth begins to water!  Aren’t you ready for some of those family recipes that are especially pulled out at Christmas?  Two of our must-haves for the holidays are my Mom’s homemade Eggnog, and Monster Cookies with red and green peanut M&M’s. Our taste buds add to the fun of the season!

Terry Willits reminds us that we need to be sure to serve up healthy but simple meals during this season of sweet temptations.  Our immunities need an extra boost when we’re sampling all of that extra sugar.  

Aren’t you glad the Lord gave us taste buds?  We have the ability to experience flavors because we have 10,000 taste receptors in our mouths!

The Bible also tells us to taste and see that the Lord is good.   Make time to read His Word. Get to know the Author. Sit down at His Banquet Table prepared for you. The Bible is filled with good morsels to chew and ingest.

Did you know that people get a taste of what’s inside of you when you speak?  What rolls off of your tongue?  Do your words build up or tear others down?  Look for ways to soften stress in someone else’s life by encouraging them today!

Here’s another Christmas decorating tip from Terry Willits:  “A wooden bowl filled with a variety of nuts invites anyone to sit down and crack open a healthy holiday snack.  For function as well as a festive look, have a nutcracker soldier stand guard beside the bowl.”

Here’s my favorite recipe for Hot Cocoa:


Hot Cocoa Mix

Instructions for a hot mug of deliciousness: Stir 4 tablespoons mix into one cup hot water to make one serving. Add a dash of mini marshmallows.

1 c powdered sugar

½ c unsweetened cocoa powder

1 c non-dairy cream powder (French Vanilla is incredible!)

¼ tsp salt

2 ¾ c instant nonfat milk powder

Whisk all together in 4 c container with a tight-fitting lid. Label with instructions for individual servings.


Happy Sampling!


Originally published at Sally’s Words 

Leave a comment: How do you taste God’s goodness?

Related Posts:

How’s your Sense of Smell? 

The Five Senses of Christmas

Looking for Christmas

How’s Your Sense of Smell?

Terry Willits says “Smell is the most influential sense we possess.  God wired up our noses to our brains so that the slightest smell can affect us.  Fragrances stir our emotions and affect our behavior.  The smell of peppermint perks us up and enhances concentration; the scent of pine or cedar soothes and calms.  The more pleasant our environment smells the more pleasant we are – reason enough to make our homes smell heavenly this holiday season!”

I’ve been thinking about the smells I love to have coming from the kitchen…warm cookies, fresh rolls baking, a turkey roasting.  I guess anything from the oven can create an enticing smell in the house!  What about when you’re not baking?  Flavored teas, coffees and hot chocolates can do the trick.  And French Vanilla creamer adds a touch of the sublime. Candles also come in many aromas, and pinecones thrown in the fireplace give off a woodsy bouquet.

Yesterday I hunted all over the office for the source of someone’s snack left behind.  I finally realized it was the vanilla-scented candle that I had gotten out with the Christmas decorations!  It wasn’t lit, but still crated an incredible smell that filled the whole room.

Today, when the kids got home from school, they popped some popcorn.  Wow – does that ever smell good!  It’s amazing how little it takes to alert the nose.  But it gives great benefits to the brain as those fragrances register!  Go ahead and look around the house for items you can use to tickle the nose.  You probably have some on hand right now!

Join us tomorrow when we taste (hint! hint!) Day 3 of The Five Senses of Christmas!


Originally published at Sally’s Words 

Leave a comment: What smells remind you of Christmas?

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The Five Senses of Christmas

Looking for Christmas